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How do I enable the advanced mode on my FRITZ!Box

When the standard view is selected in the FRITZ!Box user interface, some settings that are only required in special cases are hidden. If you would like to see all of the FRITZ!Box settings, enable the advanced mode in the user interface.

Enabling the advanced mode on FRITZ!OS 6.50 or later

  1. Open the user interface of your FRITZ!Box by entering in your web browser.
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper-right corner of the user interface.
  3. Click the on/off switch  How do I enable the advanced mode on my FRITZ!Box   to enable the advanced mode.
  4. The advanced mode is enabled when the on/off switch is green How do I enable the advanced mode on my FRITZ!Box

Enabling the advanced mode on FRITZ!OS earlier than 6.50

  1. Open the user interface of your FRITZ!Box by entering in your web browser.
  2. Click View: Standard in the lower section of the user interface.
    How do I enable the advanced mode on my FRITZ!Box
  3. The advanced mode is enabled if  How do I enable the advanced mode on my FRITZ!Box is displayed.

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